SEO Audit Software Version History

Technology we used for our software

■ Back End Language: Python ■ Server: Nginx ■ Operating System: Ubuntu ■ Database: PostgreSQL ■ Front End: React.js

Version: 2.3 – Apr 4, 2023

We are excited to announce the latest update from SEO Audit Software. Based on our users’ feedback, our team has developed a new Two Step SEO Lead Generation Form which can be placed anywhere on your website, depending on your design preferences.

What’s new in Version 2.3

  • Two Step SEO Lead Generation Form: New
  • You can customize this 2-step form by using the fields below:

    • Website URL Field (required by system)*
    • Keyword Field
    • Email Field
    • Name Field
    • Phone Field
    • Terms & Conditions Checkbox

    You have options to personalize the text for the First Step Submit Button and the Form Submit Button

    We also offer three form layout options:

    • One Row 2-step Form
    • One Column 2-step Form
    • Two Column 2-step Form

    All three options can be placed anywhere on your web page for optimal convenience.

    Current Version: 2.2 – Mar 26, 2023

    As you already know, we are continuously working to improve our software features and performance. Some new features are under development process. But meanwhile, we had to improve our SEO Lead Generate Widget Tools features.

    Issue finding: Using our SEO Lead Gen Tool, you can create for any language. For example, if your website is in the German language, you can generate a report in German. Or if your website is in French, you can be generating a report in the French language.

    Summary of the issue: But if you have a multilingual website EN/DE/FR, you can’t create audit reports in 3 different languages

    Improve: Now you can create SEO Lead Generation Widget in multiple languages for your Multilingual website.

    Version: 2.1 – Feb 18, 2023

    SEO Audit Software is working with one of the most requested features: SEO Lead Generation with On-page & Web Page Audit Reports.

    What’s new in Version 2.1

  • SEO Report for SEO Lead Generation Tool: New
  • Currently, we have one On-page audit report for SEO lead generation Form where URL & keyword field is required.

    We will release 3 new reports with JS Rendering, and Automated Scrolling features to grab more data for the Lead Generation Tool.

    Now Subscribers can get quality leads from their website by sharing our 3 new SEO Audit Reports. Which is,

    • On-page Audit Report with Keyword
    • Advanced On-page Audit Report with Keyword for lead generation
    • Web page Audit Report without Keyword
    • Advanced Web page Audit Report without Keyword

    Check the sample 4 PDF reports below,

    On-page Audit Report with Keyword
    Advanced On-page Audit Report with Keyword
    Web page Audit Report without Keyword
    Advanced Web page Audit Report without Keyword

    3 SEO Audit Reports: New

    1. Web page audit report without keyword
      • Available for SEO Lead Generation
      • Website URL or page URL required only
      • 100+ On-page SEO Factors Analysis (Domain, Content & Keywords)
      • Audit report available for 12 languages
      • Option available to share the report via Email, download, print PDFs, or copy the report link

    2. Advanced On-page audit report with keyword for lead generation
      • Available for SEO Lead Generation
      • Website URL or page URL & relevant keyword required
      • 150+ On-page SEO Factors Analysis (Domain, Content & Keywords)
      • SEO report available for 12 languages
      • Option available to share the report via Email, download, print PDFs, or copy the report link
      • On-page & technical issues report with the suggestion on how to improve
      • Page Performance metrics for Desktop & Mobile
      • So many SEO metrics with Google Core Algorithm updates (Powered by Google Lighthouse)
      • White label option available

    3. Advanced web page audit report without keyword
      • Available for SEO Lead Generation
      • Website URL or page URL required only
      • 150+ On-page SEO Factors Analysis (Domain, Content & Keywords)
      • SEO report available for 12 languages
      • Option available to share the report via Email, download, print PDFs, or copy the report link
      • On-page & technical issues report with the suggestion on how to improve
      • Page Performance metrics for Desktop & Mobile
      • So many SEO metrics with Google Core Algorithm updates (Powered by Google Lighthouse)
      • White label option available

    White-label options are available for all SEO Reports. Subscribers can share the report link, send the report via Email, & download the audit report for their clients as PDFs.

    What will be in Web Page Audit Report:

    • Page performance insights
    • SEO Content Readability Results
    • HTTP Request & Content Breakdown
    • On-Page SEO Statistics
    • Mobile Usability
    • 100+ On-page SEO Factors Analysis (Domain, URL, Image & Content)
    • Image From Different Sources
    • Heading Overview
    • Top 10 Keyphrases With 4/3/2/1 Words
    • Internal & External links status
    • Options to Show/Hide the Signals for White-labeling Web page Audit Report
    • Available options to share the Web Page Audit report

    What will be in Advanced Web Page Audit Report:

    • Page performance insights (Desktop & Mobile)
    • Page performance insights (Desktop & Mobile)
    • SEO Content Readability Results
    • HTTP Request & Content Breakdown
    • On-Page SEO Statistics
    • Mobile Usability
    • 150+ On-page SEO Factors Analysis (Domain, URL, Image & Content)
    • Image From Different Sources
    • Heading Overview
    • Top 10 Keyphrases With 4/3/2/1 Words
    • Internal & External links status
    • Technical SEO Report
    • Warnings / Recommendations / Passed Audits Reports
    • Branded Advanced Audit Report with Logo and Company details
    • Options to Show/Hide the Signals for White labeling Advanced Web page Audit Report
    • Available Options to share the Advanced Web Page Audit report

    New: Web Page Audit Tool:

    It will allow subscribers to run the SEO audit with the Website or Web page URL. There will be 100+ On-page SEO issues (Domain, URL, Image & Content).

    New: Advanced Web Page Audit Tool:

    It will allow subscribers to run the SEO audit with the Website or Web page URL. There will be 150+ technical & On-page SEO issues (Domain, URL, Image & Content).

    New: Advanced On-page Audit Tool:

    It will allow users to run the SEO audit with the Website or Web page URL & a relevant keyword. There will be 150+ technical & On-page SEO issues (Domain, URL, Image & Content).

    Improve: Language Translation Issue:

    We introduced our app as Multilingual Software, improved some language translations, and applied updates.

    Improve: Monthly Invoice Issue:

    In the Invoices, some information was missing & the price was not showing. The issue is fixed, and updates have been applied.

    Improve: Billing Address ZIP Code Issue:

    In the ZIP code field, subscribers weren’t able to add letters. Fixed bugs and updates applied.

    Bug Fixing: In Advanced On-page Audit Reports, there were some broken issues & Language translation issues. Fixed bugs and updates applied.

    Bug Fixing: For some websites, the widget embedding issue is fixed & updates have been applied.

    Version: 2.0 – Nov 14, 2022 STABLE

    SEO Audit Software is working every time to improve & this time, back with the Advanced SEO Audit Tool with JS Rendering and Automated Scrolling features to grab more data for the SEO Professionals & SEO Agencies. You can call it the World’s Most Advanced On-page SEO Audit Tool (as of Nov 14, 2022) with proven data.

    What’s new in Version 2.0

  • Advanced SEO Audit Tool: New
  • We released the Advanced SEO Audit Tool with many new SEO metrics with Google Core Algorithm updates (Powered by Google Lighthouse). Users also can share the link, send Emails & download the Advanced Audit Report for their clients as PDFs.

    Update: Regular On-page SEO Audit Report: View On-page Audit Report Sample PDF

    New: Advanced SEO Audit Report: View Advanced Audit Report Sample PDF

    What will be in this Advanced Audit Report:New
    • Page Performance for Desktop & Mobile:
    • Users can check the Desktop & Mobile performance together with three pillars of the Page Experience – First Contentful Paint (FCP), Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) & Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS). Also, the report of Time to Interactive time, Speed Index time, & Total Blocking Time.

    • 150+ On-page SEO Factors Analysis (Domain, Content & Keywords):
    • This report has the most important SEO Ranking Factors related to Domain Analysis, Content Analysis, & the top 4, 3, 2, and 1 relevant keyphrases for every page.

    • Branded Advanced Audit Report with Logo and Company Details:
    • Advanced Audit Report is available for white labeling the Logos, Company details, & the footer content of the report. In addition, SEO Audit Software supports the basic HTML for the footer content.

    • Available Options to Share:
    • Advanced Audit Report is available to share via Email, download, print PDFs, or copy the report link.

    • Content Analyzing Data:
    • This report will provide 2 types of content readability status. One is the SEO Content Readability Score & another is the Content Readability Score. Also, users will find the total number of words & sentences for that particular page.

    • Options to Show/Hide the Signals for White Label Advanced Audit Report:
    • It allows you to hide or show the signals in the Advanced Audit Report. Users can also choose to display or hide the additional information.

    • Technical SEO Report:
    • The report is divided into 3 sections: Warnings, Recommendations, and Passed Audits. These will advise users on how to improve website load speed, performance, and accessibility. They can also locate all issues with the improvement suggestions.

    • Warnings / Recommendations / Passed Audits:
    • The ‘Warning’ section will display all errors for a website, including detailed information on how users can resolve all issues for a good user experience and for the best Performance of any website.

      The ‘Recommendations’ section will list all issues that can be improved to make your websites accessible. Users can receive recommendations to improve issues that do not directly affect the performance of any website.

      And lastly, the ‘Passed Audit’ section will display the passed data of your website that are okay and does not require optimization.

      What will be in there,

      • Server Response Time
      • First Contentful Paint
      • Largest Contentful Paint element
      • Large layout shifts
      • Unused JavaScript
      • Initial server response time
      • An excessive DOM size
      • Explicit width and height on image elements
      • Properly size images
      • Efficiently encode images
      • Serve static assets with an efficient cache policy
      • Main-thread work
      • Missing source maps for large first-party JavaScript
      • JavaScript execution time
      • Image elements do not have [alt] attributes
      • Links do not have a discernible name
      • Background and foreground colors need a sufficient contrast ratio
      • Front-end JavaScript libraries with known security vulnerabilities
      • Errors were logged to the console
      • Missing source maps for large first-party JavaScript
      • Links crawlable issue
      • Tap targets are not sized appropriately
      • Chaining critical requests
      • Request counts and transfer sizes
      • Long main-thread tasks
      • Non-composited animations
      • Defer offscreen images
      • Eliminate render-blocking resources
      • Properly size images
      • Defer offscreen images
      • Minify CSS
      • Minify JavaScript
      • Reduce unused CSS
      • Efficiently encode images
      • Serve images in next-gen formats
      • Enable text compression
      • Preconnect to required origins
      • Avoid multiple-page redirects
      • Preload key requests
      • Video formats for animated content
      • Duplicate modules in JavaScript bundles
      • Serving legacy JavaScript to modern browsers
      • Preload the Largest Contentful Paint image
      • Enormous network payloads
      • User Timing marks and measures
      • Minimizes main-thread work
      • Text remains visible during Webfont load
      • Minimize third-party usage
      • Lazy load third-party resources with facades
      • The largest Contentful Paint image was not lazily loaded
      • Avoid document.write()
      • Has a <meta name=”viewport”> tag with width or initial-scale
      • Unload event listeners
      • And so on..

    • Image Analyzing:
    • Image Analyzing sections will allow you to check how many images you used on this page and how well-optimized they are.

    • Internal Links Status:
    • This section will show the total number of internal links you have put on this page & how many times you used the same internal link. Also, the Anchor Text, Target, Rel Attributions & URL list.

    • External Links Status:
    • This section will allow you to show the total number of external links you have used as well as the number of times the same external links were used. Also included the Anchor Text, Target, Rel Attributes, and URL lists.

    New: White Label Options for Advanced Audit Tool:

    It allows you to update the Logo, footer content of the Audit Report and Company details for the Advanced Audit Report.

    New: Show/Hide Signals for Advanced Audit Tool:

    It allows you to enable or disable the signals for the Advanced Audit Report.

    New: Export SEO Leads in .csv File:

    Now users can export all SEO Leads details into a spreadsheet. In addition, it allows exporting all the Leads information in a .csv file with SEO Audit Report Links.

    Improve: Language Translation Issue:

    We introduced our app as Multilingual Software, improved some language translations, and applied updates.

    Improve: Supported White Label Image File Formats:

    White Label Image uploads are available in – JPEG, WebP, PNG, JPG, BMP, and GIF formats.

    Bug Fixing: On-page Audit Reports have some broken issues & Language translation issues. Fixed bugs and updates applied.

    Bug Fixing: Bug fixed for On-page Audit Report PDFs & updates applied.

    Bug Fixing: Bug fixed for SMTP configuration & updates applied.

    Bug Fixing: The page navigation bug is fixed for the My Audits & All Leads page. Updates applied.

    Bug Fixing: My Profile page data loading issue is fixed & updates have been applied.

    Version: 1.15 – July 13, 2022

    Great News! Again, SEO Audit Software is back with updates that will help you drive better SEO Leads and boost your marketing results. Also, with some major & minor bug fixing in Software.

      What’s new in Version 1.15
    • SEO Lead Generation Tool: Update
    • We received some requests from our free trials & and paid subscribers to add an option, so they can share the Audit Report via email instead of showing it instantly.

      • New: Report Form Submit Action: It will allow you to select whether you want to show an instant audit report or not when the visitor runs an audit from your website. Check the options below,
      • Show Audit Report: It allows you to show the SEO Audit Report instantly.
      • Redirect to a different URL without showing Audit Report:
        It allows you to send visitors to a different URL without instantly showing the SEO Audit Report.
      • Show Thank You Popup Message without showing Audit Report:
        It allows you to set a Thank you Popup Message for the visitors without instantly showing the SEO Audit Report.
      • Send Audit Reports to the user’s email address via your SMTP:
        It allows you to set a Thank you Popup Message for the visitors without instantly showing the SEO Audit Report.

      • New: Share PDF Reports with clients or 3rd party users:
        Introduced a new option to share Audit Report links with anyone from the My Audits or All Leads page.

    • Update: Login Page:
    • You can now see the Language bar before logging in. Translate the whole by choosing any language. You can select 12 different languages. Once you’ve switched from one language to another, this change will apply all over.

    • New: Edit Test Server Region & Collecting Page Data Using:
    • We introduced an edit option for our users to set the test server region & collecting page data using details from the My Account Page.

    • New: Edit On-Page Audit Report Summary Page with Basic HTML:
    • Now SEO Audit Software allows you to add HTML content for the Audit Report summary page. Only support basic HTML in PDF.

    • Improve: White Label Signals:
    • Settings > White Label: Updated Audit Report with some new signals.

    • Improve: Language Translation Issue:
    • In our last version (Version 1.14), we introduced our app as Multilingual Software, where you have options to use the app in 12 different languages. In addition, we improved some language translations and updates applied.

      • Bug Fixing: Bug fixed for the Keyword tracking PDF report and updates applied.
      • Bug Fixing: In the On-page Audit Report were some broken issues. We fixed bugs and updates applied.
      • Bug Fixing: Bug fixed for On-Page Audit Report translation & updates applied.
      • Bug Fixing: For White Labeling the Audit Report, the PNG-supported image file format was a background issue. Bug fixed, and updates applied.

    Version: 1.14 – May 24, 2022

    Previously we received some requests from our free trials and paid subscribers to add options for translation. SEO Audit software Version 1.14 releases with translation options in 12 languages and mobile accessibility in the The interface and report are now able to be translated into all 12 languages.

      What’s new in Version 1.14:
    • Integration of Translation option in the New:
      • New: Multilingual SEO Platform: (Front-end: Complete; Back-end: In-progress)
      • You can translate the whole by choosing any language of your choice. You can choose from the 12 different languages, respectively English, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese, German, Greek, Swedish, Polish, Norwegian, and Danish. Once you’ve switched to a new language, this change will be applicable all over. Even with the on-page SEO audit you run, the report will be generated in your preferred language.

      • Update: My Profile Language Setting:
      • After logging into, go to the My Profile section to choose your preferred language (from a list of 12) and change the language setting for the entire SEO Software dashboard.

      • Update: Multilingual SEO Lead Form and Report:
      • Set Different Languages for the SEO Audit Widget and Reports by changing the language setting from the My profile section. Now you can generate widget forms in any language to perfectly embed it in your website. Your leads will also receive the audit report in the language you specify.

    • Mobile Responsive SEO Audit Software Dashboard New:
      • Now you can access on your mobile as well. The software tools now become very handy for you. You can run an audit, generate an audit report, know the rankings of your preferred keywords or generate widget form on the go, on your mobile phone.

      Version: 1.13 – April 5, 2022

      This month, we released a new and improved version of our On-Page SEO Audit report, including some major & minor updates and bug fixes in the SEO Reporting Tool. We also introduced some new On-page SEO metrics analysis reports and features to the report, to give our users a better reporting experience.

        What’s new in Version 1.13:
      • On-Page SEO Audit Report:
      • Our SEO Reporting Tool brings better user understanding to its interfaces, as we release new updates and analyze new on-page data on the report.

        • Update: Page Speed Metrics: Integration of SEO Insights with each Page Speed Metrics.
        • We integrate high-value insights with each key performing Page Speed metric to give a clear picture of what it means to your website and to what limit you should keep each of the page speed metrics.

          In addition, the report now includes a new and better version of page speed statistics. Previously, just numeric data was displayed. Now there is a visual indicator with each of the metrics to display how far you’ve come.

        • New: SEO Content Readability checker: Integration of SEO Content Readability checker in the report.
        • Now you will know your SEO content readability performance based on the keywords you target for the page audit. You will get your SEO readability score, content readability score, and complete text statistics of your on-page content.

        • Update: HTTP Requests & Content Breakdowns:
        • We update all the parameters of your page HTTP requests. You can see the percentage and the size of each HTTP request, displaying in a visual indicator. We also share proper explanations for improvement.

        • Update: On-Page SEO Statistics:
        • We started analyzing new SEO metrics on your page to give a clear picture of what it means to your website. We have also done major bug fixes and updates in the On-page SEO statistical data visualization. So now you can see the correct report and statistics based on your On-page SEO performance.

        • New: Mobile Usability:
        • We’ve added a Mobile Usability Test report to help you determine whether or not your page is mobile-friendly. You can use the report to fix your mobile usability issues when viewed on mobile devices.

        • Bug fixing: Website URL:
        • We’ve made some minor updates and bug fixes to this key performing On-page parameter. Now you can see the correct good, bad signals, and important recommendations for improvement.

        • Bug fixing: Title and Meta Description Tag:
        • We’ve made some minor updates and bug fixes to these On-page SEO metrics. Now you can analyze the page title & meta tags and find out Google recommended title & meta description suggestions for your page.

        • Image Analysis:
        • New: Check Image From Different Source:
        • In addition to the image analysis, you’ll now get a complete list of which on-page images are from different sources, along with their sizes and Alt Texts.

        • Update: We’ve updated the parameters of the on-page image analysis data. We use a visual indicator to show the positive and negative SEO signals of all your images, and you can also see how many of them follow good SEO practices.

          Get a detailed list of Image names, Alt Tags, and image sizes used on the page and important recommendations for improvement.

        • Heading Tag:
        • New: Heading Overview:
        • We’ve added a quick new summary about all of your H-tags in a bar diagram, so you can see the number of times each heading tag has been used as well as the proportion of keywords that are relevant to the heading tags.

        • Improve: Improvement in Heading Tags Parameters:
        • You can now see the total quantity and quality of H-tags (H1-H6) used on your page, with the important recommendation for improvement.

          You can clearly see which Heading tags break SEO recommended practices (shown in red), which H-tags need to be improved (indicated in light red), and which ones are good (indicated in green).

        • Update: Most used On-page Keywords:
        • You can now see the ratio of the top 10 most used keywords on the page, ranging from one word to four words. Check the visibility of the keywords in the title, description, H1, H2, and H3 tags, and get a list of the top 10 4 words, 3 words, 2 words, and 1-word key phrases used on the page. So now along with the list, you can quickly identify any underlying issues with the most used keywords on your page.

        • Update: Internal Links:
        • You can now see the total number of internal links used on the page, as well as a breakdown of whether the same link was used more than three times and whether the link has discernible text.

          Not only you will get a complete list of Internal links on your page, but you will also receive recommendations on how to optimize your internal link profile.

        • Update: External Links:
        • Necessary bug fixing and updates are done to give you a complete on-page external link analysis report.

          Now you can find out the total number of external links your page has, alongside identify the nofollow tag, noreferrer tag, noopener tag, and discernible text in the link.

          There’s also necessary recommendations to optimize your external link profile.

        Version: 1.12 – Jan 2, 2022

        SEO Audit Software is updated with major or minor releases on a daily basis. To give our users a better user experience, we implemented some improvements, updates, and bug fixes in Keyword Tracking Tool this month.

        In our last version, we released our Widget Types in 3 different formats. This new version comes with a new Widget Form named “Take Over Form” as well as introducing another format in Fixed Form as “Fixed form with one row”.

          What’s new in Version 1.12:
        • Keyword Tracking Tool:
        • We bring new improvements including bugs and error fixing at our Keyword Tracking tool for a better user experience.

          • Create Project Update:
          • Improve: Improved create project sections’ label text for better user understanding.
          • Bug fixing: Fixed the Main Domain changes issue. Once a project is created for a website, the user can no longer change the domain. But anytime they can delete the project for that specific domain.
          • Bug fixing: Fixed the search engine location settings issue. Now users can add search engines based on any location. Also, they have options to edit or delete search engine locations for new or existing projects.
          • Improve: Improved the search engine locations’ usability. Now users can see the exact location with the country flag from where they are tracking their keywords position.

          • Keywords Ranking Update:
          • Update: If a user uses multiple locations for a project, they can now see the total number of locations along with the total number of keywords for that project.
          • Improve: If a user monitors multiple competitors for a project, they can now download the PDF version of the keyword ranking report with the first two selected competitors.

          • Keyword Ranking Overview Update:
          • Improve: Improved Performance for the Keyword ranking overview when switching from one keyword group to another.
          • Bug fixing: Fixed Bugs for the keyword group scrolling issue and updates applied.
          • Bug fixing: The keyword overview page and the PDF report will no longer show such groups that have multiple keyword groups without keywords. Necessary bug fixed and updates applied.

          • Generate Leads:
          • We’ve added new improvements to our Widget Types.

            • Widget Types Update:
            • New: Fixed Form With One Row: Introduced a new format in the ‘Fixed Form’. Use the One Row Fixed Form once or multiple times on any of your web pages. For more details, visit the ‘Create Widget’ section.
            • New: Take Over Form: Introduced this new SEO lead generation widget form. There are three formats available: One column, Two column, & One Row.

              This form will appear as Per Session or Page View. Also, there are three events to choose from:

              • Takeover Form On Exit: This event will work when the users take the mouse out from the window.
              • Takeover Form after a selected time: Set a time after 5, 10 seconds to show the takeover form on the webpage. If you set time at ‘0’, this form will Takeover automatically.
              • Takeover Form after scrolling: It means, when a visitor scrolls your page, this form will auto takeover.

            • Manage Account:
            • We’ve bring new update to the Manage Subscription section.

              • Manage Subscription Update:
              • Improve: Changed the date format in the ‘Manage Subscription’ page for better understanding. As well as bring new improvements in the Item Name and Description on the Invoice Information page.

              Version: 1.11 – Dec 8, 2021

              We promised last month that we’d add new configuration options to our SEO Audit Widget to make it more dynamic. This month we released new updates and improvements on our SEO Audit Widget. We changed the total outlook of how you can configure and customize the widget on your website. We also launched our knowledge base, so you can seamlessly play with our tools.

                What’s new in Version 1.11:
              • SEO Audit Widget Settings:
              • Introduced three primary configuration settings for ‘Create Widget’. Those are: Widget Types, Form & Fields, and Widget Styles.

                • Widget Types Update:
                • Here you will find various options to create and customize your selected widget types. We add a tooltip with every option to make each step easier for you to understand.

                • New: Select Widget Type and Theme: This option allows you to select from three different widget types. You will now have more flexibility to see the live preview of each Widget type you select. You can also customize the theme of your widget based on the widget type. Fixed and Popup forms can be displayed in one or two columns. And there’s only one column for Slim form.
                • Improve: Widget Information: You can now seamlessly manage information in your widgets. Set a Widget name (internal use only) for your widget form, so you can easily find it from ‘Widget List’. Also now adding Widget Title, Description, and HTML content become more user-friendly.
                • Improve: Popup form & icon: For the popup form, you can set your own popup timing. By default, the timing is set at 5 seconds. And if you set ‘0’, the form will popup automatically.
                • You can add a transparent logo or icon URL from your server to set as a popup icon. Our recommended width and height for the icon is 60px (max). But you can use any size to make it fit for your website.
                • Improve: Widget Position: You can now easily select any position for your form to place it on your webpage. For popup form, it is right, left & center and for slim form, it is the top and bottom of your page.
                • Improve: Report Close & Redirect Button Action: You will have the option to choose between the report close & stay on the same page button or redirect button. If you select the Report Close button, your visitor will stay on the same page. But if you choose the redirect button, you can send your visitor to any specific page. You can add the redirect URL and change the text of the redirect button.

                • Form & Fields Update:
                • Here you’ll find a variety of configuration options for customizing the appearance of your form fields. Each and every form configuration option has a tooltip. It will help in making the best use of each choice.

                • New: Show Form Field Text: In terms of configuring the form fields, you will find more options now. You can show the form fields text as placeholder or label or as a placeholder and label both. If you want you can edit the text of the label and placeholder of each form.
                • Improve: Website URL Field (system required): The URL field has become more user-friendly. You can change the label’s text, the placeholder’s text, or both.
                • Improve: Keyword Field (system required): Same as URL field, you can edit the text of the label or placeholder or both here. This is a system-required field.
                • Improve: Show Email Field (optional): This is an optional step. Selecting this field as mandatory or optional for the user becomes so easy. We resolve all the bugs and errors here.
                • Improve: Show Name Field (optional: You can now easily add this field as mandatory or optional for the user. We resolve all the bugs and errors.
                • Improve: Show Phone Field (optional): We also improvised the phone field option. You can add this field as mandatory or optional for the user and can type to edit the label & placeholder text.
                • New: Show Terms & Conditions Checkbox (optional): You can now add the terms and conditions checkbox on your report and can make it optional or mandatory for your user.
                • Improve: Form Submit Button: We update the form CTA button and give it a new look. Now it become ‘Form Submit Button’. You can edit the button text and customize it further from ‘Widget Styles’.

                • Widget Styles Update:
                • You now have the flexibility to change the background color, text color, icon color, border color, and other alignments to give your widget a whole new style. Previously, you could only change the color of the ‘CTA Button’.

                • New: Main Form Style: You can change the main form style by background color, border color and can adjust the border, margin & padding dimensions.
                • New: Form Body Style: You can customize the form body style by changing the background color, border color, and other necessary adjustments.
                • New: Form Title Style: You can customize the text style of your form title by changing the color, size, text-transform, and font weight.
                • New: Form Description Style: Same as form title, you can also customize the appearance of your form description text style.
                • New: Form Terms & Conditions Text Style: You can now change the text style of your form terms & conditions.
                • New: Input Field Style: You can change the input field style by choosing different background color, text color, size, border-color, even can adjust the dimension and alignment of the input field.
                • New: Input Field Label Text Style: You can customize the Input field label text style.
                • New: Input Field Placeholder Text Style: You can customize the Input field placeholder text style.
                • New: Input error Message Style: You can change the text style of the form validation error message.
                • New: Popup Icon Style: You can add Popup Icon URL at the ‘Widget Types’ section and can customize it at the ‘Widget Styles’ section.
                • New: Form Close Button Style: You can customize the form close button style by doing the necessary adjustments here.
                • New: Report Close or Redirect Button Style: You can customize the report close or redirect button style.
                • New: Form Submit Button Style: You can change the form submit button style by implementing different color, border size and alignments.
                • Note: If you want to further customize this lead generation tool, share your design idea with us. We are offering this support free of cost only for Paid subscribers.

                Version: 1.10 – Nov 24, 2021

                Last week, we received some requests from our free trials and paid subscribers to add options for sharing PDF audit reports with anyone via email. To accommodate their requirements, we’ve now introduced 2 new cool features.

                Please note, we are also working on improving our SEO Audit Widget configuration features to make it more dynamic. Such requests also came from our free trial and paid subscribed users. We’ll be releasing this update very soon.

                  What’s new in Version 1.10:
                • SEO Audit Software > Settings
                  • Improve: SMTP Configuration Features
                  • You can now have more flexibility to configure your SMTP for sending an email directly to your website user using your business email. So, when you use SEO Audit Software and send system-generated emails to your users, there’ll be no footprint of SEO Audit Software.
                  • New: White Label your Email Template
                  • From Settings > Email Notification Section, you can make your own branded email. You’ll find a default SEO Audit Software email template there. Simply edit the logo and footer contents, as well as any other information you’d like to add to the email.
                  • New: Share PDF Audit Report Instantly
                  • When you run an audit on the platform, you’ll find an email sending option to directly share your audit report PDF file with your prospects or lead. This option is available only after you configure and verify your SMTP settings. You can also enter multiple email addresses at once, separated by commas. For Example, [email protected], [email protected], to share a single report with multiple users at the same time.
                  • Note: If you need assistance with custom email design, please share your design layout idea with us. We are offering this support free of cost only for paid subscribers.

                  Version: 1.9 – Oct 05, 2021

                  Last 2 months we have been working on developing Website Audit Tools (under development and no release date defined yet) to scan your complete website and find all technical issues from the perspective of Performance, Accessibility, Best Practices, and SEO. Here we are planning to implement 2 kinds of site rendering solutions. Something similar like SE Ranking & another one similar like WooRank data rendering technology. So our user can choose from the site rendering options based on their needs and adjust pricing based on project and budget.

                  Meanwhile, we’ve made significant improvements to our Lead Generation Tool backend technology and SEO Audit Widget features in response to User requests:

                    What’s new in Version 1.9:
                  • SEO Lead Generation Tool
                    • SEO Audit Widget features
                    • New: All users can use their own SMTP to send an email directly from our app without any footprint of our software
                    • New: Before we send only a lead notification email to the lead owner (our user). Now you can send a download audit report email directly to your user inbox from your website using your own email signature by verifying SMTP settings. (If you need any help with SMTP settings just click the support button and send an email)
                    • New: Branded Download Audit Report Email notification – White label. We design standard email, you can test it after you configure your SMTP. If you want a custom design, just send us an email and we will help you to make it your own.
                    • Improve: You can show/hide the email field in the lead generation form
                    • Improve: You can mark the email field as mandatory or as an option
                    • Improve: You can change the close button text
                    • Improve: You can change the close button behavior. For example, after running the SEO Audit Tool & after displaying the report, if you want instead of showing the close button, you can show contact us or request a quote button and redirect to a different URL for better conversion rates & improve user experience

                    Version: 1.8 – Aug 22, 2021

                    SEO Audit software Version 1.8 releases Technical SEO Audit Tools 1.2 version with some core and vital updates. You can enable/disable these features from Technical SEO Audit White Label Settings.

                      What’s new in Version 1.8:
                    • Technical SEO Audit Tool
                      • On-page Statistics
                      • New: Total words on the page
                      • New: Total characters on the page
                      • New: The page has a ‘nofollow’ meta tag
                      • New: The page has a ‘noindex’ meta tag
                      • New: The page has a canonical URL
                      • New: The page has inline-style
                      • Analyze External Link
                      • New: We analyze all external links of the audited page and show everything comprehensively in a table format with Anchor text, URL & link behavior.
                      • Analyze Internal Link
                      • New: We analyze all internal links of the audited page and show everything extensively in a table format with Anchor text, URL & link behavior.
                      • Bug fixing: Table design layout update
                      • Bug fixing: PDF file table update

                      Version: 1.7 – July 18, 2021

                      SEO Audit software Version 1.7 releases with new features and improvements in the Keyword Rank Tracking Tool and Branded SEO Tools Admin panel including bugs and error fixing and lots of updates in other SEO Modules.

                        What’s new in Version 1.7:
                      • Branded SEO Tools
                        • New: Branded SEO Software admin can accept payment manually from their user and can create automated payment events
                      • Technical SEO Auditing tools
                        • Update: Now Technical SEO Auditing tools can track any invalid URL before processing to audit any page
                      • Keyword Rank Tracking Tool
                        • Improve: Speedup keyword rank tracking data process.
                        • Improve: Now user can track keywords rankings in any locations and languages
                        • Improve: If user want they can delete any search engine from the project based on Country, Location, and Language
                        • Improve: Users can purchase any paid subscriptions without the keyword rank tracking features. If required, they can add keywords to their subscription package
                        • New: Users can download keyword rank tracking data in PDF and Excel Format
                        • Update: In the Keyword rank tracking dashboard, now you can easily review previous 7-day ranking positions before going into the details
                        • Update: Add pagination in the keyword rank tracking section for a better user experience
                      • SEO Audit Software
                        • New: Free users can use SEO Audit Software features for free. But as a free user, they will face some restrictions in feature usages. And they will receive ‘0’ payment renewal notification emails
                        • Update: If the paid subscriber, cancel the subscription and move to a free account. They can still use the lead generation form without any white label benefits and receive an instant lead notification email
                        • Improve: Users can now log in using email or user names with an updated password. As well as authenticate using Gmail
                        • Improve: Now users can enjoy any update in the software without log out and log in into the software
                        • Bug fixing: Fix the Cancel subscription button issue
                        • Bug fixing: Fix the Billing section bugs

                        Version: 1.6 – June 28, 2021

                        SEO Audit software Version 1.6 releases with new updates and improvements in the Branded SEO Tools Software Admin panel along with bugs and error fixing in the Keyword Rank Tracker Tool.

                          What’s new in Version 1.6:
                        • New: Branded SEO Tools
                          • Now Branded SEO Tools software admin can customize the lead notification email from the software admin panel and can instantly send that customized notification to their subscriber
                          • Enable / Disable cookies settings features for the Software admin panel
                        • Software Admin (Branded SEO Tools) Improvement
                          • New: Now Software Admin can send test emails and enjoy a better user experience from the email testing feature
                          • New: Integrate new features in Software admin front-end settings in order to manage software more efficiently. For example, now you can easily integrate Google Analytics code to set up goals and review the conversion performance
                          • New: For better user experience, when you perform any task in the software admin panel, it will now show an error/update notification
                          • New: Add separate SEO section to Software Admin panel for better managing all SEO related activity of the software
                        • SEO Audit Software Dashboard Bug Fixing
                          • Bug Fixing: Update the before and after login experience of the dashboard for better data visualization and user experience
                        • Keyword Rank Tracker Tools
                          • New: Just by writing the, you can easily track the keyword ranking of that domain, with or without HTTP or HTTPS; www or non-www
                          • New: Improve the ‘create project’ UIX. Now creating projects, adding search engines, competitors, and adding keywords by the group will be done smoothly and in a faster manner
                          • New: Now you can select any 2 competitors that you want to include in your Keyword ranking PDF report
                          • Bug fixing: Fix the Keyword ranking data experience. Earlier new keyword ranking data appeared as ‘0’. Because showing the new data updates from Google takes time to appear completely. Now we show the new keyword ranking data after it is updated fully from Google. Users will see the previous day’s data until the new data appears
                          • Bug fixing: Fix the keyword ranking PDF report date as earlier it’s not showing correctly, now we update it

                          Version: 1.5 – June 12, 2021

                          SEO Audit software Version 1.5 release to introduce SaaS-based software as a Multi-Tenant software. And release a new module called “Branded SEO Tools” with lots of other fixing and improvements.

                          Now, Any SEO Service Provider, Digital Marketing Agency, or SEO company can own SEO Audit Software under their domain without any footprint of SEO Audit Software so you can sell SEO Tools to your customer and receive payment directly to your account.

                            What’s new in Version 1.5:
                          • New: Branded SEO Tools
                            • Branded SEO Tool Admin Dashboard.
                            • User Add / Edit Option.
                            • Order Add / Edit Option.
                            • Default Payment method enable / disable option.
                            • Time based Automatic Info & Warning Notification Option.
                            • You can use info, warning notifications to notify your user about any upcoming change or news and update to your app from the Admin panel. Applicable for Branded SEO Tools Admin and Open Source Software owner.
                            • Limited features for guest audit report to encourage the user to login to view the full report.
                          • New: Branded SEO Tools Admin Setting
                            • FrontEnd Settings: For example you can manage Page title, Copyright Text, Terms and Conditions text and Links, Large Size Logo, Small size logo, Fav Icon, Show / Hide Version Status, Show / Hide Last Update Date, Show / Hide Sample PDF Report, Show / Hide Fixed Footer Button, Show / Hide Multilingual Option, SEO Settings & much more.
                            • Default white Label Report Settings for your domain.
                            • Front End CSS Editor for change the default theme as your Branded Theme.
                            • System Generated & Automated Marketing Email Configuration Settings. You can change the email header, footer, and body of the content, sender email address, subject and make it your own SaaS software marketing Automation platform.
                            • Email SMTP Settings.
                            • Your own Gmail Authentication Login Client ID and Secret Code Settings.
                            • Allow you to accept payment directly from your customer.
                          • SEO Audit Software Improvement
                            • New: For the guest user, block the full audit report after three pages. As it will encourage the guest user to subscribe to the software for 14 days free trial account.
                            • New: Improve SEO Audit Software User Dashboard.
                            • New: Preloader in every button when fetching data and take action.
                            • New: Implement Tooltip in Icon based button for better understanding.
                            • New: Download PDF report more securely & faster than before.
                            • New: Added country flag in the search engine instead of an icon.
                            • New: Before you can Sign up and log in using only Google Authentication, Now you can also log in by Email and Password (not Google password).
                            • New: Implement image compression technology to generate reports faster without losing the quality of the image.
                          • SEO Audit Software Bug Fixing
                            • Bug Fixing: Edit project city and language data were not fitches properly for free trial users. Now it’s fixed.
                          • Keyword Rank Tracker Tools
                            • Bug fixing: Keyword ranking tool data processing.
                            • New: Keyword Ranking PDF Report Download.
                            • New: Improve keyword ranking Dashboard.
                          • SEO Lead Generation Tool
                            • New: Integrate view lead details in List of Lead section.
                            • New: Remove jQuery dependency from the lead generation widget and improve it with raw JavaScript. So it will not conflict with any existing website template or code.
                            • New: Implement pre-loader for Technical SEO Audit & Lead Generation Tools to improve user experience.
                            • New: Reduce Technical SEO Audit & Lead Generation Tools audit report time.

                          Version: 1.4 – March 4, 2021

                          SEO Audit software Version 1.4 release with an improvement in the SEO Auditing & Reporting Tools. And with a platform to create lots of other SEO Modules to improve it step by step.

                            What’s include in Version 1.4:
                          • SEO Reporting Tools
                            • Create report for any URL using Targeted keywords.
                            • Analyze complete website from Server to HTML.
                            • Analyze content from targeted keywords ranking view.
                            • Save all SEO Report in your Dashboard.
                            • Option to view all reports later for comparison.
                            • Option to download report as PDF.
                            • Option to delete report permanently to save into Trash.
                            • Introduce new algorithm on Audit Report.
                            • Improve report creating time.
                            • New: Free user can run SEO Audit Report with minimum features.
                          • White Label Configuration
                            • Show Logo and Company name in your report.
                            • Add phone number & email address in your report.
                            • Add text in footer in all page of reports.
                            • Add summary of your company at the end of automated generated reports.
                            • Enable / Disable all modules in your reports from white label settings.
                            • Improve user experience for manage white label settings.
                          • Keyword Rank Tracker Tools
                            • Create project by Domain or Sub-domain
                            • Add multiple search engine for one domain, for example for one domain you can track keywords for USA or New York City, London, Paris, Germany or Melbourne
                            • Easy to add keywords by Group
                            • Easy to add Competitor for different search engine
                            • Track your keyword ranking daily
                            • Compare your keyword ranking with competitors
                          • SEO Lead Generation Tool
                            • You can create unlimited widget, that you can add in multiple website.
                            • You can copy widget code that you can simply integrate into your single webpage or in full website to generate leads
                            • You can add lead generation widget form in the top of the site, or inside the page content or bottom of the page and it will pop over after X seconds based on your settings
                            • By default lead generation widget or tools create basic style and if you know CSS you can customize its looks and feel the way you want or our expert team will help you to customize it to make it branded at free of cost.
                            • Once user run any audit in your website, they will see complete report in your website and can download your company branded report PDF file.
                            • New: You will receive lead generation notification by email.
                            • New: You can also find lead details inside your SEO Audit Software Dashboard
                          • Introduce SEO Open Source Version
                          • Updated Software back end and front end

                            Back in May, 2020 We started to work for changing our software technology for the better user experience, performance and to collect insightful data and now finally we moved to new technology:

                            • Back End: Language: Python
                            • Server: NginX
                            • Operating System: Ubuntu
                            • Database: PostgreSQL
                            • Front End: React.js
                            • New: Now we can start working with AI to implement in our software to provide instant data driven report.

                          Version 1.3 – Dec 5, 2020

                          SEO Audit software Version 1.3 release with an improvement in the SEO Auditing & Reporting Tools. And with a platform to create lots of other SEO Modules to improve it step by step.

                            What’s include in Version 1.3:
                          • SEO Reporting Tools
                            • Create report for any URL using Targeted keywords
                            • Analyze complete website from Server to HTML
                            • Analyze content from targeted keywords ranking view
                            • Save all SEO Report in your Dashboard
                            • Option to view all reports later for comparison
                            • Option to download report as PDF
                            • Option to delete report permanently to save into Trash
                            • Introduce new algorithm on Audit Report
                            • New: Improve report creating time
                          • SEO Lead Generation Tools
                            • You can create an unlimited widget, that you can add to multiple websites.
                            • You can copy widget code that you can simply integrate into your single webpage or in full website to generate leads
                            • You can add lead generation tools in the top of the site, or inside the page content or bottom of the page and it will pop over after X seconds based on your settings
                            • By default lead generation widgets or tools create basic style and if you know CSS you can customize its looks and feel the way you want or our expert team will help you to customize it to make it branded free of cost.
                            • Once users run any audit on your website, they will see a complete report on your website and can download your company-branded report PDF file.
                          • White Label Configuration
                            • Show Logo and Company name in your report
                            • Add phone number & email address in your report
                            • Add text in footer in all page of reports
                            • Add summary of your company at the end of automated generated reports
                            • Update: Enable / Disable all modules in your reports from white label settings
                            • Update: Improve user experience for manage white label settings
                          • Keyword Rank Tracker Tools
                            • Create project by Domain or Sub-domain
                            • Add multiple search engine for one domain, for example for one domain you can track keywords for USA or New York City, London, Paris, Germany or Melbourne
                            • Easy to add keywords by Group
                            • Easy to add Competitor for different search engine
                            • Track your keyword ranking daily
                            • New: Compare your keyword ranking with competitors
                          • SEO Lead Generation Tools
                            • You can create an unlimited widget, that you can add to multiple websites.
                            • You can copy widget code that you can simply integrate into your single webpage or in full website to generate leads
                            • You can add lead generation widget form at the top of the site, or inside the page content or bottom of the page and it will pop over after X seconds based on your settings
                            • By default lead generation widgets or tools create basic style and if you know CSS you can customize its looks and feel the way you want or our expert team will help you to customize it to make it branded at free of cost.
                            • Once users run any audit on your website, they will see a complete report on your website and can download your company-branded report PDF file.

                            As Planning in May 2020, We are continuing our development work for changing the software Front End and Back End technology

                            For better user experience, performance and to collect insightful data, we decide to change our technology and working simultaneously to update our software and framework.

                          Version 1.2 – May 9, 2020

                          SEO Audit software Version 1.2 release with an improvement in the SEO Auditing & Reporting Tools. And with a platform to create lots of other SEO Modules to improve it step by step.

                            What’s include in Version 1.2:

                          • SEO Reporting Tools
                            • Create report for any URL using Targeted keywords
                            • Analyze complete website from Server to HTML
                            • Analyze content from targeted keywords ranking view
                            • Save all SEO Report in your Dashboard
                            • Option to view all reports later for comparison
                            • Option to download report as PDF
                            • Option to delete report permanently to save into Trash
                            • New: Introduce new algorithm on Audit Report
                          • White Label Configuration
                            • Show Logo and Company name in your report
                            • Add phone number & email address in your report
                            • Add text in footer in all page of reports
                            • Add summary of your company at the end of automated generated reports
                            • Update: Enable / Disable all modules in your reports from white label settings
                            • Update: Improve user experience for manage white label settings
                          • Keyword Rank Tracker Tools
                            • Create project by Domain or Sub-domain
                            • Add multiple search engine for one domain, for example for one domain you can track keywords for USA or New York City, London, Paris, Germany or Melbourne
                            • Easy to add keywords by Group
                            • Easy to add Competitor for different search engine
                            • Track your keyword ranking daily
                            • New: Compare your keyword ranking with competitors
                          • SEO Lead Generation Tools
                            • You can create an unlimited widget, that you can add to multiple websites.
                            • You can copy widget code that you can simply integrate into your single webpage or in full website to generate leads
                            • You can add lead generation widget form at the top of the site, or inside the page content or bottom of the page and it will pop over after X seconds based on your settings
                            • By default lead generation widgets or tools create basic style and if you know CSS you can customize its looks and feel the way you want or our expert team will help you to customize it to make it branded at free of cost.
                            • Once users run any audit on your website, they will see a complete report on your website and can download your company-branded report PDF file.

                            Changing software Front End and Back End technology

                            For better user experience, performance and to collect insightful data, we decide to change our technology and working simultaneously to update our software and framework.

                          Version 1.1 – Sep 14, 2019

                          SEO Audit software Version 1.1 release with an improvement in the SEO Auditing & Reporting Tools. And with a platform to create lots of other SEO Modules to improve it step by step.

                            What’s include in Version 1.1:

                          • Update SEO Reporting Tools
                            • Create report for any URL using Targeted keywords
                            • Analyze complete website from Server to HTML
                            • Analyze content from targeted keywords ranking view
                            • Save all SEO Report in your Dashboard
                            • Option to view all reports later for comparison
                            • New: Option to download report as PDF
                            • New: Option to delete report permanently to save into Trash
                          • White Label Configuration
                            • Show Logo and Company name in your report
                            • Add phone number & email address in your report
                            • Add text in footer in all page of reports
                            • Add summary of your company at the end of automated generated reports
                            • New: Enable / Disable all modules in your reports from white label settings
                            • New: Improve user experience for manage white label settings
                          • Keyword Rank Tracker Tools
                            • Create project by Domain or Sub-domain
                            • Add multiple search engine for one domain, for example for one domain you can track keywords for USA or New York City, London, Paris, Germany or Melbourne
                            • Easy to add keywords by Group
                            • Easy to add Competitor for different search engine
                            • Track your keyword ranking daily
                            • Compare your keyword ranking with competitors
                          • SEO Lead Generation Tools
                            • You can create an unlimited widget, that you can add to multiple websites.
                            • You can copy widget code that you can simply integrate into your single webpage or in full website to generate leads
                            • You can add lead generation tools in the top of the site, or inside the page content or bottom of the page and it will pop over after X seconds based on your settings
                            • By default lead generation widgets or tools create basic style and if you know CSS you can customize its looks and feel the way you want or our expert team will help you to customize it to make it branded at free of cost.
                            • Once users run any audit on your website, they will see a complete report on your website and can download your company-branded report PDF file.

                          Version 1.0 – July 7, 2018

                          SEO Audit software Version 1.0 release with an improvement in the SEO Auditing & Reporting Tools. And with a platform to create lots of other SEO Modules to improve it step by step.

                            What’s include in Version 1.0:

                          • SEO Reporting Tools
                            • Create report for any URL using Targeted keywords
                            • Analyze complete website from Server to HTML
                            • Analyze content from targeted keywords ranking view
                            • Save all SEO Report in your Dashboard
                            • Option to view all reports later for comparison
                          • White Label Configuration
                            • Show Logo and Company name in your report
                            • Add phone number & email address in your report
                            • Add text in footer in all page of reports
                            • Add summary of your company at the end of automated generated reports