SEO Audit Software FAQs

How to create an SEO audit report in multiple languages using Lead Gen Tool?

By default, the SEO Audit Widget is set to the English language during its creation. However, if you have a multilingual website, what would happen?

Understanding the concept:

If you work in the digital marketing industry and offer SEO services, it’s highly likely that you have both local and international clients. To effectively reach your target audience and drive traffic to your website, it’s important to communicate with them in their language.

Why do we need SEO Audit Report in a different language?

For example:
SEO audit dot software
And you want to show the audit report in the English language.

And for SEO audit dot software/fr
you want to show the report in the French language

Or for SEO audit dot software/de
you want to show the report in the German language

As you can create unlimited SEO widgets, you need to create three different SEO Lead Generation widgets to serve English, German & French language audiences/visitors on your website.

How to create multiple SEO Audit Widgets in Different Languages?

Click Create Widget from Generate Leads Section
Check the screenshot image below:How to create an SEO audit report in multiple languages using Lead Gen Tool? Select the language, Using this lead gen widget code, you can display your SEO audit report for any language available in the SEO Audit Software platform.
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